Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Civilization began with fratricide

fratricide: one that murders or kills his or her own brother or sister

I'm starting to do more reading (finally!) and I came across an eye opening statement today.

Shane Claiborne, the author of Jesus for President writes that "The inaugural act of civilization, of life outside the garden, was murder."

I had never thought about that fact before or realized how ugly the beginning of time was after Eden.

The beginning of civilization began with death; specifically the murder of a brother by his brother.

what are your thoughts?


jendakerr said...

Actually, It kinda seems like sex and birth and work happened before murder. I suppose he means they weren't civilized yet. I wonder what Shane means by civilization??

But sweet rice. fratricide is def. a new word for me.
Personally, I plan on avioding fratricide.

jendakerr said...

I thought about this some more.
And I wasn't sure about what I wrote so it made me want to read Genesis again.
And that made me want to listen to Phil Collins.
And that made me want to play guitar.
But I'm at work.

michael daniel said...

He was meaning civilization by the fact that after Cain murdered his brother, he built the city Enoch after his son.

civilization as in society/community.

sorry for making you want to listen to Phil. HOpe you get to when you're done at work.

michael daniel said...


not to be a jerk or anything, but in he says it in the quote i put up.

"....civilization, LIFE OUTSIDE THE GARDEN..."

jendakerr said...

Right, but it's not like they left the garden and immediately killed each other...Like I said they had to be born and grow up to be old enough to be murderers. Plus, since he called it "inaugural" and other things did occur before the murder. I was wondering if he was defining civilization differently than just the context clue he embedded in his sentence.
But I think maybe I need to read the book to get his point. Perhaps is he making the point that we are sinful..like deathly sinful from the very beginning. Or is it something else? Do you recommend the book?

lindaz6782 said...

all true life begins with fratricide. i killed my brother before i could walk. didn't you?

michael daniel said...

yeah... so after writing this, i realized that it really wasnt worth writing.

lindy- you're too funny.

and jen, when i finish the book i will let you know whether i recommend it or not.

jendakerr said...

No, it was worth writing.. you got us thinking and you taught me a brand spankin' new word!!

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