Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It should be the other way around...

About a week ago, I sent a very heartfelt apology to someone who I haven't seen in awhile and don't get time to talk to.

I admitted to being angry at them and holding a grudge and apologized for that because I no longer wanted to be mad at this person.

This person never responded back at all and I know that they have read my apology.

So, now I feel even more like an a-hole because I have no idea what they think about the whole thing and I'm fearing the day that I will run into them because I don't know how I should act.

The apology was supposed to clear my conscience but all it did was dig me deeper into a hole w/ the situation regarding this fellow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my time

3 years in college. Isn't this supposed to be the time in my life where I "find myself" or discover what maybe my passion is or something along those lines?

well, i havent.

I still have no idea what God's will is for my life.
Well, wait. yeah. I still don't.

I spent a weekend in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a wonderful city who won't stop boasting the fact that they have something like 6 superbowl wins. I really don't care too much for football. But anyway, I was attending a conference for college kids and the aim was to tell us that as students in college and also as Christians, that we can and should make a difference in today's culture.

Listening to the keynote speakers was enjoyable because they spoke of "culture-making" and that has always been something I've been an advocate of as a Christian in today's generation.

I attended 2 "breakout sessions" over the weekend and was truly inspired and as a result I have a more clearer picture of what direction I would like to move in but there are so many questions that I have that are almost holding me back.

I'll elaborate on this on a later date.